Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Car Transportation

While out shopping and driving around with Penny, we saw a car in front of us with a.. well.. a stove attached to it. A stove. Attached to a car. A CONVERTIBLE car at that! Classic Utah stuff people! Here are the pics!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Night-time driving

A really blurry night-time picture of a lit up cross on a hill in.. I want to say Elko? .. but I honestly can't remember. It's hard to take pictures at night while you are speeding in a car on the freeway. But I thought this cross was odd and don't remember it being there before.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Childcare Idiot

This girl and these people's complaints about America being stupid for not letting "experienced" mothers have a childcare job without getting certificates or degrees really pissed me off. Really.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Frontroom.. continued.. and to be continued..

Even though this means 2 pic posts for today, I remembered that I never finished posting my frontroom wall from last year. I finished acquiring the tree pictures when I got my taxes this year. Here are the most of the remainder of the tree pictures that I have put up. I still have 6 more waiting to be hung and 2 canvasses as well. I'm trying to decide if I should put up the 6 framed ones HERE or if I should group 3 framed around one canvas on the other wall in the frontroom. This would mean taking down my new moon poster (yes, it's in my frontroom, above the tv. hehe) and my framed proclamation to the world and relocating them. We'll see..
Also.. I hope my aunt connie recognizes her picture. She posted a pic that her husband had taken for her of her favorite restful spot, and it was so beautiful I had to put it up on my wall. I forgot to ask though, so I hope it's ok! It is the only picture that does not center on just one tree.. but two trees AND an accessory!

Vitamins Galore

Yes I take this many vitamins. They are all for something or another, and they seem a good idea. We'll see.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Face making time!

This is adorable. Abbie has a classic "chipmunk" face and Chloe was trying to copy it.. while smiling. This makes me smile every time, no matter what, and is currently my cell phone wallpaper.