Thursday, February 19, 2009

Work Meeting

So we had this big long 6 hour mandatory (took me 3 tries to spell that word.. I'm tired) entire department meeting.. the whole shebang. Interesting presentations, pointless presentations, games, group exercises, prizes, food, a hilarious movie about our dept (I want a copy!) and even a joke. Some weird joke about potatoes daughter marrying good taters except one married Dan Rather who's only a common-tater. .. HAHA..
Anyways, I won a prize (I never win raffles! YAY!) And then other people didn't want their prizes so I came home with loot. And my favorite loot was this beautiful vase of flowers. They're so pretty! One table won 2nd place (who knows why cause whether you went by points or cards, my table, Scotland!!, had more points!!) and as second place they got the centerpieces of flowers and mini luggage. Melanie gave me the flowers, Bobbee got 2 sets of luggage and gave me one! And the prize I got in the raffle were portable Sony speakers. I wanted white, but won black.. and yet while walking out of the Provo library the girl who won white asked to trade cause she had a black ipod. Sweet!! So all in all, a great day. I'm not sure if it was just a good day or if it was the power of positive thinking.. but I'm game. :D
Oh yeah, AND they decided not to cancel the midnight shift and my supervisor was at my group table and invited me to come in early for extra hours!! Could anything better happen? I don't know.. I really want Quiznos, but I know I shouldn't have it. Just like I really don't want to go in at midnight tonight because I'm so tired, but if I did it on 24 hours awake, then I know I have no excuse tonight. Plus.. my goal is to pay off my cc and visit my dad. I need the extra hours.
So.. I never really wanted a post on this pic blog to be this big.. but oh well, you can all suffer.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Bed Bed Bed

Take a good look at this bed.. cause this is what I'm sleeping in ALL DAY LONG. After 28 hours up straight.. I'm happy. Look, I'm so tired, even the picture is blurry. HA!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


I hate snow.

Monday, February 16, 2009


HAHA! Somebody graffitied Dwight Schrute on this electrical box! Good thing I carry my camera with me in my purse.. always handy for a drive by.
I love The Office!!

Sunday, February 15, 2009


What? How dare the door slam on my finger!!
(Can you tell which finger it is?)

Saturday, February 14, 2009

My Valentine's

Aren't they wonderful valentine's? I love my babies so much. Beautiful.

Friday, February 13, 2009


Ok.. so I didn't ACTUALLY take this picture. And no, it's not an ad or a link. I print-screened my computer. This is annoying to me. Save $50? Cut costs that add up to $18K a year? Without feeling like you're cutting anything? Go ahead and try that on me. I don't even make $50 a day. So obviously I don't make $18K a year. I would like to see you have me save that much without feeling much of a change though. 'wonder of wonders, miracle of miracles' is what pops into my head. LOL!

Sunday, February 8, 2009


This is what happens when you hang out with a sick person.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Happy Bday to Adam!

Adam's wonderful lovely bday cakes.
His bday was the 5th, today was just the Party Day!

Friday, February 6, 2009


This is what being sick looks like..
.. the prettier version.

Thursday, February 5, 2009


Not to do two posts about coffee, but here is some of the coffee that my dad sent me yesterday. It's yummy and LOOK! you can see the reflection of my computer screen and my post-y notes in the coffee. mmm.
Ok, so I this is my third cup and each cup hold 4 liquid cups of coffee. :D
Hyper much?

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Because I like to copy smart ideas.. here is my picture a day (hopefully) blog.
My valentine's day gift from my dad. YAY!